Your OWN Affiliate Marketing Search Engine??
Creating a Unique Search Engine
86% of Broadband Users Use Search Engines
The use of search engines is one of the primary Web activities for broadband users on any given day. For publishers looking to cash in on this potential goldmine, consider creating a search engine with a unique spin. Visual shopping Web sites offer consumers a search engine with a visual twist. Holding the belief that that items can be hard to search for via a text-based search, video shopping Web sites allows consumers to search for products across the Web based on visual images, as well as keywords and categories.
Other unique search engine Web sites offer a human element. The human element enhances the consumer search experience by providing search results that are hand-picked by human guides. In addition some Web sites appeal to the humanitarian in us, offering a cash back donation to a charitable cause of your choice. Consider creating a search engine with your own unique personal touch or organizational method that is user friendly – and take advantage of the revenue rewards from one of the primary Web actives of broadband users.