Junonia.com Now Available On ShareASale!
Junonia.com markets exclusive sportswear and casual clothing to plus size active women. As a Publisher of Junonia Plus Size Activewear for Women you will become a part of one of the most lucrative industries in the US, representing over 20 billion shopping dollars a year!
Join our program and and as a Super Affiliate you will earn 10% on sales of all our casual and activewear styles for plus size women (25% higher than our regular payout) . With Conversion Rates almost 4% and the Average Order Size of $140- you can see why Junonia is so popular with affiliates.
And Junonia.com has instituted a full commission payout even on returned items. That’s right. Once we get them into our system, they are ours to service. If they return any items from their order, you still get paid the same rate. It’s up to us to make the customer happy once you send them to us!
And don’t forget Juno’s Closet where we closeout our seasons with the best prices of the year!
Affiliate Program Details:
Payout: 8% per sale. As a Super Affiliate You Earn 10% per Sale!
There are never any chargebacks for returns!
Average Sale $140.
Site-wide conversion rate is 4%
Cookie Duration 30 Days
Coupons always available!
1) Junonia requests as part of the program agreement that affiliates not use our brand names (Junonia and Juno’s Closet) or any misspellings for PAID keyword searches.( junonia, junonia.com, www.junonia.com, juno, junoesque, junos closet, janonia, jewnonia, gunonia, junonya, jewnonya, gunonya, junoia, quikwik, quikshape, poolpruf, Jnonia, juonia, Junoia, Jumonia, Junomia, Juninia, Hunonia, Kunonia, Unonia, Juunonia, Junnonia, Junoonia, Junonnia, Jjunonia, Junoniia, junoniaa, junonoa, junonua, junonis, jynonia, junpnia, jnuonia, juonnia, ujnonia, junoina and junonai). 2) We do not permit automated coupon searches for the use of finding coupons to post on your website. 3) Affiliates who complete against Junonia in paid searches for generic terms may not directly link to the Junonia web site. Also, they may not use a redirector that links to Junonia’s web site without additional clicks. Finally, the display URL cannot read: Junonia.com or www.junonia.com.
Junonia is available on ShareASale.
For more information contact:
Durk Price – Strategic Affiliate Manager
Outsourced Affiliate Program Management by eAccountableOPM