Congrats, Affiliate Marketer! YOU are the Person of the Year
On the cover of the December 2006 issue of Time Magazine, the publication announced its person of the year. However, unlike years past when celebrities or political figures graced the cover, the 2006 cover announced the likes of someone who had never before been chosen: YOU – “You control the information age, welcome to your world.” This announcement solidified a shift of power online – it now belongs to the average person, the consumer, who is increasingly harder to reach, harder to engage, harder to persuade and harder to satisfy.
So what are these consumers doing online and how can you evolve to meet their needs? A study by IPSOS Insight titled Online Activities of Broadband Users in the US 2006, found that 34% of broadband users download/view streaming video, 37% read blogs, 81% shop online, and 86% use search engines. By tapping into these trends you can position your business for growth.